The United Nations Decision Based on the Papua Referendum


The United Nations (UN) has rejected the planned referendum on Papua and decided that Papua is an inviolable part of Indonesia.

The decision was conveyed by the Ambassador / Permanent Representative of Indonesia to the UN, Dian Triansyah Djani in Geneva.

The decision was made during a public debate for the candidate countries for the Human Rights Council in Geneva. During the event, Indonesia received some questions regarding the Papua referendum from various parties.

On September 10, 2019, in New York, the Indonesian Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York, Dian Triansyah Djani met with the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres to discuss the latest developments in Papua, and the status of Papua's sovereignty from the UN perspective. The results of the meeting are as follows:

a. The UN supports Indonesia's sovereignty and territorial integrity and the issue of sovereignty is not a question for the UN.


b.   The final status of Papua in Indonesia is based on Uti Possideti Iuris, NY Agreement 1962, Act of Free Choice 1969, and UN GA resolution 2504 (XXIV) 1969.


c.    The UN sees the outcome of the development of the Government in the era of President Jokowi in Papua and West Papua. However, it needs to be reinforced with symbolic things.


d.    The UN understands that there are separatist groups who constantly make hoaxes and anarchist demonstrations and acts of violence. He said he reminded the police to keep restraint so as not to have a bad impact and make it difficult for the government.


e.    Regarding Vanuatu, his party realizes that he often raises the issue of Papua in several international agendas.



The United Nations continues to support Indonesian sovereignty over Papua, thus closing the chance for a referendum for KSP leaders and sympathizers.


However, the statement on the issue of sovereignty is not a question and also confirms that the UN will continue to pay attention to Papua in other issues such as welfare, poverty, human rights, health, education, etc.


Maria Renata

Papuan Diplomat
